

ANGLOPHONE is a platform for learning English. It provides you with grammatical points, factual information, supplementary educational materials and familiarizes you with the most important English language exams across the globe.

What is the meaning of the word "Anglophone"?
As a noun, "anglophone" refers to a person who speaks English. As an adjective, it means "belonging to or consisting of an English-speaking community, society, or country".

Who created the website ANGLOPHONE?
ANGLOPHONE has been designed by Mohammad Rajabpur, the Iranian computational linguist, who currently works as a web developer, a computer programmer, and a language teacher. The website Anglophone belongs to a series of websites which are all regulated and supervised by NETNAK. ANGLOPHONE used to be a bilingual weblog which was set up in the year 2019. Later on in 2022, Mohammad Rajabpur decided to convert it to an independent monolingual website to share educational materials with his students and other language learners more easily.

How can we contact Anglophone and its adminstrator?
You can kindly contact Anglophone via Email and share your views and comments with us. Our email address is mr@anglophone.ir and we would be glad to hear from you.

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